Distance between Washington D.C and Kabul:
Gall Stereographic: 7,216 miles
Mercator: 10,077 miles
Distance between Washington D.C and Kabul:
Cylindrical Equal Area: 10,120 miles
Mollweide: 7,909 miles
Distance between Washington D.C and Kabul:
Cylindrical Equidistant: 5,080 miles
Conic Equidistant: 6,989 miles
For this lab assignment, I created six map with different map projection types. The first type of map is conformal map projection which I chose gall stereographic and Mercator projections. They preserve angles locally. The Conformal map projection has meridians and parallels oriented at right angles to each other. The map projections preserve the correct angles between locations which are very useful for global navigation. Some downfalls for conformal map projections may be the wrong size of some regions, such as the south pole will occupy more than half of the map.
The second is equal area map projection which I chose cylindrical equal area and Mollweide projections. They preserve areas for the map. Some downfalls will be the distortion of the grid line, it will result in wrong, biases, or inaccurate information to the viewers.
The third type of map is equidistant map projection which I chose cylindrical equidistant and conic equidistant projections. They preserve the distance between points. Each of the map projections are unique that they are useful in their own ways. However, the area and angle information are not accurate in this projection so that it may be misleading sometimes.
As map projections become more famous around the studies of earth, cartographers should understand different advantages and shortages about each map projections. Each of them have their unique purpose that help human to express and explain the information of earth surface in detail.
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