Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Geography 7 Lab 1


This world transit map was drawn as a cover picture by Mark Ovenden in his book "Transit Maps of the World". Mark used his imagination to connect the whole world with the rail system that may happen in the future. We can discover that the most famous and well-known cities are all on the maps. What I find interesting about the map is that the map was not drawn in real scale. For example, the size of Africa is smaller than Northern America and Europe. Also, it reflects the level of development between different regions in the world. It is easily to notice from the map that Africa only has 5 rail stations around the north coast. However, either the United States or Europe has more than 10 stations all around the regions.


This amazing world map was originally posted by Ramesh on
The map is showing us how the American views and illustrates the other parts of the world. As we can discover from the map, most of the views are negative (e.g. AIDs, F**king Desert, Curry). From the map, I think it is very interesting to note that Americans are too arrogant and still thinking that they are ruling the world. For examples, I think AIDs, desert, curry, or market should not be the symbol of a country. As there are more and more rising countries, I think there will be much different for the future United States World Map.


This world map was posted on Bytes daily by BytesMaster. The map is showing how the American treats other countries. According to the writer, he described it as "The American World". From the map, the Asia world was described as a factory of shoes, oil, and computers. The Europe and Southern America were described as a food factory. Some of the regions such as the Africa, Australia, and Greenland have no meaning to the American.What I find interesting from this bias map is similar as the previous map. The Americans are too arrogant to treat other people/countries in the world as their labors or workers. It is also important for me to discover more about the American's view about the world.

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